Saturday, August 22, 2009

Skytrex - Taman Pertanian Malaysia - 22 August 2009

在被半逼半就的情况下,我参与了这一次的 Skytrex!

Skytrex 是在 Taman Pertanian Malaysia 进行,清晨八点我们就得从家里出发。到达目的地大约是九点半。买了进门票,就迈进我们刺激紧张的游戏啦!

进门票需要缴付 RM3.00。然后就登上这架免费巴士服务,把我们载到游戏的地点。

Ta Da~ 这就是 Skytrex 的入口处了。踏进这里,心开始紧张。。。

这激烈的运动需要手套,而我呢。。。事前并不知道,当然也就没有准备。不过,无用怕!因为这里可以让你以 RM3.00 买到一双你需要的手套。

工作人员教我们如何穿上与使用安全措施后,就带领我们到 stimulate 小型简单的 Skytrex 进行小训练。

因为大家都是第一次参与,所以就选了 Big Trail -- 给初学使用者 (beginners)的。这就是第一个挑战。。。需要攀爬约有 6 - 7 层楼高的梯级。整个游戏都是在高高的树上进行。。。决对不是有畏高的人可以承受的。别看好像很简单。每个 challenge 都需要用到四肢。少点平衡与手臂的 strength 也不行哦~

如果有兴趣让孩子们尝试,这里绝对可以让孩子们如愿以偿 -- 小型 Skytrex

天宫不做美。我们玩了大约 12 个 challenge 就因为下大雨、刮风而被逼暂停。可是对一个新手的我来说,已经足够了!玩得太激烈,手套也磨穿了呢 ^.^

Monday, August 17, 2009

Oreo New Haircut

My dear baby Oreo had his 1st haircut last Sunday.
He was been sent to the petshop @ 11:00AM and I can only be able to collect him 6:30PM!! Poor baby... have to stay in the cage for that long hours.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Miracle Soap Bar -- Eumora

Since last month, the whole family members (only ladies) was hot in the miracle soap bar -- Eumora topic, which started using by my elder cousin sister and her mom (my elder aunty). It works very well on my aunty face. Her skin look younger, softer and it's pinkish after using this soap for 1.5 months.

My mum was the only 1 among her sisters who never spend over RM 30.00 for her facial product. This is the very 1st time in my life, I see my mum eagerly wanted to try out this miracle product. Since her birthday is coming soon, which is next month, I decided to buy her 1 bar as her birthday present. It cost RM95.00 / bar. A bit pricy for just a tiny soap bar (only 25g / bar), but think about it, for a set of skincare as below: -- you need to spend over RM300.00!

Cleanser RM 100.00
Toner RM100.00
Moisturiser RM 100.00
Mask RM 50.00

With Eumora itself, you don’t need to buy skincare anymore (or maybe what you need to buy is only the sun block).

I also bought 1 bar for myself (giggling…..). Since my pore is very obvious, and my skin is too oily (I need to use 2 pieces of oil-absorbing sheet for my face ONLY in the evening although i was in the air-con room). After my 1st usage, I couldn’t see my pore is smaller as most of the users experience, but I could feel my skin is no longer as oily as before, softer and undeniably smoother.

Anyway, if you would like to know more about this product, feel free to visit: for more details.

Monday, August 10, 2009

槟城 31st July - 2nd August 2009

为了欢送将要移民的表妹,我们一行 8 人北上 Jalan-jalan Cari Makan 为表妹饯行~

早上 6:00AM 从家里出发,第一站是怡保吃早餐。听说这家坐落在“旧街场”的咖啡店,咖啡与面包都不错。出名的,就是下面这个半生熟的蛋淋在烘面包上面,配着一杯热腾腾的咖啡套餐~




下一站是到 Nibong Tebal 吃著名的粥。只顾着吃,忘了拍照。

我们就是到这间 Cheang Kee 吃啦。听说这间不是最好吃的。因为找不到我们原本要去的那一间,所以将就将就咯。

还没进槟城前,我们到这家 Khuntai 泰国餐厅解决午餐。这家餐厅设计别致。美味的泰国餐,更是令人垂涎三尺~


Ambralla (沙梨)汁是这趟槟城之旅喝最多的饮料。

Tomyam + 泰式蒸鱼 + 泰国 Salad。简单的午餐,却令人难忘~


Khuntai Restaurant
104, Permatang Tenggah,
13000, Butterworth, Penang
Tel : 04 - 332 7523

我们租了 Vistana 一间可以容纳所有人的 Apartment。Check-In 酒店后,洗澡 + 稍微休息,就是差不多晚餐时间了。

表姐带我们到一间外表看似没什么好东西吃的餐厅 -- Crab Village, Tanjung Bungah,但却能让我们有惊喜。

非常香脆可口的炸鱼 + 烧虾

sinful crab~~ 看见那诱人的螃蟹膏吗?真是看了都令人忍不住想大咬一口!!

还有好几样美食,可我只来得及吃,来不及拍照 ^.^

Ta Da~ 我吃剩的螃蟹、虾、鱼、蚌的骸骨~~~


GPS -- 全靠它~ 带领我们游槟城找美食!

Penang Komtar

Penang Road famous Chendol。还是比较喜欢马六甲那味道浓郁的 Chendol + gula melaka,虽然槟城的比较大碗。

这是在靠近 Penang Road 买的超好吃粽子。只可惜我们再去的时候刚好是星期天,没开门!
槟城人的生活还蛮平衡嘛~ 星期天不做生意 =)

Ah Leng Char Koay Teow 阿龙炒粿条,是我们在槟城吃到最好吃的~ 等了蛮久的,可是值得!

返回吉隆坡之前,表姐带我们到 Ong Cheng Huat Seafood Restaurant 吃顿便宜又丰富的午餐。

这里比较出名的菜肴是蒸鱼。我们还点了鱿鱼与烧乳鸽。现在单看照片,都让我流口水 ^.^

Ong Cheng Huat Seafood Restaurant
2004 Bagan Lallang
13400 Butterworth, Penang
Tel : 04 - 3314 782