我有个认识很久的姐妹涛(称为 L),自中学时期就很要好。这小姐透过网际网络,认识了一个贱男,交往好几年,几年前结婚,生了一个女儿,也快两岁了吧。本来这就是她的“美好人生”,可是。。。有件事,我忍了超久,真得觉得应该是时候公诸于世!
这 L 在刚与贱男交往期间,因为本着我是她的好友,所以也有经常约出来见面,喝茶什么的。对我来说,这是正常不过的社交活动。后来贱男持着自己开始与我比较熟,就时不时给我打电话(该是从女友的手机“偷”得我的电话号码吧,因为我从来不曾给过他我的电话号码!)。从本来一些基本问候,聊天,到后来开始埋怨,投诉自己未来岳母的不是。说什么,想找人奸杀他的未来岳母。又说如果有一天与 L 结婚,他的岳母过世,也别想女儿 L 可以回去奔丧,见自己最后一面。最过分的一次(也是我出国前最后一次),是他竟然可以很厚颜的,告诉我,他很爱穿 G-String ,甚至有一次在女友家与女友做爱时,穿着 G-String 被刚回家的未来岳母撞见了。又说,他今天穿了红色 G-String,却“不小心”蹲下时,被女同事看见了。据他所说,很丢脸(我呸!)。气得不轻的我,盖了他的电话,就不曾再接听他的电话了!
在 90 年代,是 ICQ 兴起的时候。当时的年轻人,没人不玩。当然,学电脑的我也不例外。其间,就有一个自称 G-String 的女生把我加入名单里头。笨笨的我(以前没有现在这么 alert!),看见是女生嘛,无疑有他就 add 了她(当然,那时 L 与贱男都在名单里)。这“女生”,刚开始谈话内容还可以。后来就开始问我一些敏感话题,如:你有性生活吗?你寂寞吗?我很 horny,你呢?想要吗?之类,非常不堪入目,又很露骨的话题。即使我强调这些是很私人的话题,不愿继续,“她”还是本着“小强打不死”的精神,不停发问!超烦!
就在有一天晚上,无聊的我又跑到 ICQ,本看见贱男在线(G-String 不在)。才不到几秒钟,贱男下线,却在不久就看见 G-String 上线。直觉告诉我,有不妥。所以我就开了两人的 Properties 查看,让我惊觉这两个人是共用同一个 IP Address 的。也就是说,贱男就是 G-String ;G-String 就是贱男!超生气的我,在 G-String 进聊天室找我聊天时,就毫不给脸拆穿他。自此,我就把“她”与他统统丢到 Invisible List 里头去了!
从英国回来前,好友告诉我,他们要结婚了,就在我回国后不久。婚礼,我当然也参加了。后来的后来,这贱男也没有再骚扰我,也无法骚扰我,因为我在 MSN 里 blocked 了他。还是古人说得好!江山易改,本性难移!才刚以为他已经收身养性(毕竟结了婚,当时好友也怀孕了),那头他又在 MSN 里冒充好友找我聊天,问我一些古里古怪的问题!直到现在,每回看见好友的名字上线,心里都在猜,这到底是她还是他?。。。他真的是一个打不死的蟑螂!都已经不接听他的电话,就连 ICQ / MSN 也不回应。这贱男有本事可以一而再,再而三地冒充其他人,骚扰我!!!超贱!!!真不明白。。。女儿都快两岁了。。。如果有一天让女儿知道自己有一个贱格爸爸,他颜面何在?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Life is Like a Book
Life is Like a Book
To0 many judge you by your cover and the first few pages.
In time that book gets old and put away and forgotten.
Never knowing to others what you really could offer them.
Love, understanding and knowledge a very important
ingredient to Life it self.
Later on in life, some open those old books.
They finally read the complete book and find out this
book could of changed so many things in life.
If they didn't wait too long, the books pages still
come alive with information and can be a
learning tool for others to learn from.
The sad thing.
The book is so old, you can't even read the name on
the cover and that life that was, is no longer.
By John E. Mingo Sr
To0 many judge you by your cover and the first few pages.
In time that book gets old and put away and forgotten.
Never knowing to others what you really could offer them.
Love, understanding and knowledge a very important
ingredient to Life it self.
Later on in life, some open those old books.
They finally read the complete book and find out this
book could of changed so many things in life.
If they didn't wait too long, the books pages still
come alive with information and can be a
learning tool for others to learn from.
The sad thing.
The book is so old, you can't even read the name on
the cover and that life that was, is no longer.
By John E. Mingo Sr
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